Discuss the scope of world history
Like other branches of history-writing in the second half of the twentieth century, World History has a scope far beyond historians' traditional focus on politics, wars, and diplomacy, taking in a panoply of subjects like gender history, social history, cultural history, and environmental history.
The scope of history has been undergoing constant change. In the past, the world was divided into a number of social, political and cultural units.
Each unit considering itself superior to other e.g., Japan, China, India in Asia, Romans, Greeks, English, in Europe and Americans and possessing independent histories.
Certain societies like Japan, China, India, etc. considered themselves as more civilized and did not study about other states that they considered as barbarians.
With the development of historiography, the scope of the study of history was also changed. Till 19th century history was confined to the study of the political events and institutions. But at present, the social, economic, moral and literary life of the people is also included in the scope of history..