Discuss the significance of rural and urban sector in economic activities
The economy of each city or town encompasses different sectors. While each sector has its specificities, the fact that their production processes are encompassed within a limited geographical area (the urban area) entails interchanges. In addition, a number of sectors are already technically interrelated (to give one example: utilities, infrastructure, construction and waste). Therefore, labour issues on a specific sector of the urban economy are linked to what happens in other sectors - hence the importance of an integrated approach.
Rural economies remain largely associated with primary agricultural production. Rural development is therefore often considered outside the mandate of ministries of labour. And yet, the productive transformation of both agriculture and the rural non-farm economy cannot be fully effectively without their active involvement. Improving the quality of agricultural jobs – generally among the least protected, poorly remunerated, most hazardous and of low status – is essential to attract rural youth.
Effective solutions are also required to emerging challenges as changing employment relationships arising from outsourcing, including on plantations. Decent jobs facilitate agricultural growth, which can in turn raise rural incomes,