Discuss the steps you would take to reform a frustrated farmer and encourage him/her to adopt a recommended agricultural innovation
First step is to listen. Then ask a question or two that help you better to understand what the farmer is saying.
Who is recommending the innovation? Who benefits most? Does the farmer stand to benefit in a way that is meaningful to them, or one that is meaningful mainly to those recommending the change?
How does the change impact on the lifestyle of the farmer? Does it make them dependent on government or on corporations supplying the inputs?
I wonder if your dealing with individual farmers unwilling to change may indicate a system shortcoming. My preference in the first instance would be to get the community together, to make the information available to them, and encourage them to discuss and develop their own strategy for integrating the new techniques into their culture.
In that I would be aiming at getting through to both the men and the women, either separately or together depending on the culture. (It may be that you need both male and female extension officers). In many cultures women play important roles in either farming or in budgeting and management but agricultural extension often overlooks their roles.
Now it is worth clarifying that, although I trained in agricultural extension, my experience has been in non-agricultural community engagement so what I am proposing comes out of a different culture and a different set of circumstances. That means that a lot may not fit but I hope some of the ideas can help you to resolve the challenge you are facing.
Please mark me brainlist ......