discuss the strategic adopted to control recurrent floods in India
India’s population of about 1 billion (2001 census) is expected to stabilize at about 1.6 billion by 2050. This would require some 450 million tones of food grain annually. The basic needs for water of rural and urban populations and cattle, as well as industry and environment and ecological management, also have to be met, taking into account land-use policies, degradation of water resources, depletion of aquifers, etc. To this end, long-term planning of the utilization of the country’s water resources is required to meet the various competing demands on a sustainable basis. The strategy for mitigating the effects of drought and floods is the optimal development of scarce water resources.
After independence, planned development of water resources was taken up mainly through the creation of storage projects, as well as extension, renovation and modernization of existing projects. So far, storage capacity of some 213 billion m3 has been created in the country and projects under construction will increase this to 289 billion m3. A further 108 billion m3 is expected to be created through projects under consideration.