Discuss the urban changes during the british rule.
pls tell fast
At the heart of each of the fi rst British cities in India – Madras (1644), Bombay (1661) and Calcutta (1690), cities which the British largely created themselves from the ground up – was a fort area dominated, designed, and occupied by the British. They lived mostly inside the fort area, and in the strongly fortifi ed and controlled area around it, sometimes called the “civil lines”. Here they built their homes, shops, and churches as well as their commercial and administrative headquarters. Their armed forces were accommodated nearby in an area called the “cantonment” or “camp”. The much larger Indian area that sprang up around the British core was usually referred to as the “native” or “black town”.
As British control extended across India in the 18th and 19th centuries, and encompassed many already existing cities, these patterns of spatial separation by nationality and race were repeated. In some cities, where British presence was extensive, very large areas of cantonment and civil lines were established alongside pre-existing Indian cities. New Delhi, Bangalore, and Secunderabad (adjoining Hyderabad) are examples. In the capitals of India’s large princely states, regions that the British left for local rulers to administer, and in the centre of regions with numerous smaller princely states, the British built “residency” areas to headquarter their local administration and to garrison their troops adjacent to the existing native cities.
ओउ एनिचेंसमेनब में हर विलियिमेबल जो कैमबे साईस्टी या जरूरतों के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता था, povidled, यह fec hnologically acessible, Ecoomically fea sibfe और cutuIally aceptable "Resouices के रूप में उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
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अजैविक: ResoUTC और ऑउच गैर-13ing चीजों svch of ocks.mintd ek के रूप में संकलित हैं।
अहासिस_ऑफ और xhastibiiy
Rentwable: Resounes enich canbe stnekd oy veproclued द्वारा शारीरिक, mechontcal ayd cheical poçes। svch as solr dnd wrd resgy, fovest waky e o गैर- नवीकरणीय; रेजोवाइज़ ओइच, अंजीर फस्मातफ़ोन में वर्षों के दूध लेते हैं। हे माई एक्सक्लूसिव यूज़ द्वारा svehlaš, perol, Coalfossl fvels etk वह आधार Stahus.of DevelpmentIT NIRu) AV पैड KesoUrCes जो aye suvvyyed और Heiy qNanHy m qvality t dakomined के लिए OHLiza के लिए dakomined है। जैसे: कोट की खानें। ओ रेकैटियल: केसोवेन्स व्हेज्ड एवे मिला, लेकिन अभी तक विहलीज नहीं हुआ। g सूर्य और पवन ऊर्जा n desevs।
स्टॉक: इनमें पोएनिअल टू, साइस्टी ह्यूमन एनजीएस हैं, लेकिन हाइन्स टेक्नोयॉएटो एक्सेस हीसे नहीं हैं। एक्सहेट्ट एच एच डी 0 टॉम एचएलओ।
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पेज ३ ९
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