Discuss toxic constituents present in pulses?
Some toxic substances are naturally present in some pulses. These include trypsin inhibitors and haemagglutinins. Trypsin inhibitor, as the name indicates, interferes with digestion of proteins by inhibiting the action of the enzyme trypsin. Haemagglutinins combine with haeme and thus destroy haemoglobin
Answer:Some toxic substances are naturally present in some pulses. These include trypsin inhibitors and haemagglutinins. Trypsin inhibitor, as the name indicates, interferes with digestion of proteins by inhibiting the action of the enzyme trypsin. Haemagglutinins combine with haeme and thus destroy haemoglobin.
Fortunately, both of these toxic substances are destroyed by heat, which is used in the normal cooking process.
Broad beans contain some toxic substances. When these beans are consumed raw a disease called favism occurs. This disease is characterized by haemolytic anemia. Since human beings usually do not consume broad beans raw, they are not likely to suffer from favism.
Kesari dhal also contains a toxic substance. This dhal is grown in Madya Pradesh(M.P) It was observed that during the drought conditions, only this dhal is grown and used as a staple food. When this dhal is consumed over a long time paralysis of lower limbs occurs in males. This is known as lathyrism.
It is reported that when the intake of kesari dhal is restricted to 30 per cent of the total calorie intake, no adverse effects are observed. Therefore it is important to ensure that the intake of this dhal must be restricted to a maximum of 30 percent of the total calorie intake.