Discuss tremellales and Dacrymycetales.
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While jelly fungi (mainly Tremellales) are often mycoparasitic, few reports are available about their function as hosts for other parasites. Acremonium psammosporum, Verticillium, and Chalara species; Hypomyces aurantius; and Ophiostoma epigloeum have been found as parasites on Tremella species, and Dactylaria lanosa has been isolated from Pseudohydnum gelatinosum (CBS, unpublished data). Tremella danica can grow on or in Myxarium nucleatum (Hauerslev 1979). Fungi parasitizing Auricularia species include Acremonium and Verticillium species, Hypomyces semitranslucens, and three species of Cladobotryum (CBS, unpublished data). Hypomyces mycophilus (anamorph Cladobotryum polypori, synonym Pseudohansfordia [Dactylaria] mycophila) also was reported from Hirneola (Auricularia) polytricha (Tubaki 1955). Hypocrea sulphurea is always found on remnants of Exidia species (B. Overton, personal communication).
An epibiotic chytrid, Rhizophlyctis species, was found on Dacrymyces stillatus (Canter and Ingold 1984). Tremella obscura (Reid 1970), Sebacina penetrans (Hauerslev 1979; Oberwinkler and Bandoni 1982), and Itersonilia perplexans (CBS, unpublished data) also can attack Dacrymyces species. Two species of Platygloea (Achroomyces) and two of Tremella were found on or in the hymenium of Dacrymycetaceae (mainly Dacrymyces species). While Achroomyces peniophorae has a thin, gelatinous, pustulate basidiocarp, which later turns confluent and resupinate; the other species of Platygloea and Tremella lack basidiocarps (Jülich 1983).
Several ascomycetes and mitosporic fungi that are normally lichenicolous grow preferentially on basidiomata of lichenicolous heterobasidiomycetes (Diederich and Christiansen 1994; Diederich 1996).
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Volume 1
Ida van der Klei, ... Teun Boekhout, in The Yeasts (Fifth Edition), 2011
4.2.3 The Cell Wall of Cryptococcus Neoformans
Cryptococcus neoformans (Tremellales, Tremellomycetes, Agaricomycotina) is a human and animal pathogenic yeast (see Chapter 114 on Filobasidiella). The cells have a triple-layered wall surrounded by a capsule. Electron microscopic analysis of exponentially growing cells reveals an unusual ultrastructure of the actual cell wall: an electron-dense middle layer between electron-transparent inner and outer layers (Yamaguchi et al. 2002). The capsule forms a porous network, and may be wider than the cell wall itself (Pierini et al. 2001, Yamaguchi et al. 2002). Isolated cell walls of an acapsular mutant contain 7% chitin, 30% α-1,3-glucan, a substantial amount of β-1,6-glucan, but, surprisingly, no β-1,3-glucan (James et al. 1990). This absence is consistent with the lack of staining by the fluorescent β-1,3-glucan-binding dye aniline blue (Nicholas et al. 1994). In contrast, staining with the chitin-binding dye Calcofluor white results in uniformly fluorescing cells, indicating that the cell wall is accessible to dyes and that chitin is evenly distributed over it. The following two observations are, however, difficult to reconcile with the presumed absence of β-1,3-glucan in the walls. First, Cryptococcus lysates contain β-1,3-glucan synthase activity (Maligie and Seletrennikoff 2005) and secondly, the Cryptococcus genome contains a single copy of an FKS1 homolog, the putative catalytic subunit of β-1,3-glucan synthase, and this gene is essential for growth (Thompson et al. 1999). This latter observation raises the question of whether the cell wall composition and structure of the acapsular mutant may differ from those of wild-type cells. Isolated walls also contain a significant amount of protein, but mannose and galactose have not been found (James et al. 1990). Finally, cell walls of C. neoformans may also contain melanin (Eisenman et al. 2005).
The capsule seems to be anchored to the actual wall with α-1,3-glucan, and consists of two polysaccharides (reviewed in Bose et al. 2003, Reese and Doering 2003). The major component is a glucuronoxylomannan or GXMan, consisting of an α-1,
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