discuss what the phrases mean to u 1 a yellow wood, it was grassy and wanted wear, the passing there,leaves no step had trodden back,how way leads on to way
(i) a yellow wood: The yellow woods represents the season of autumn. Autumn also stands for old age and inactivity. The poet could be symbolically talking about his later stages of life when he finds it hard to take a decision.
(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear : It means that the road was covered with grass. It looked relatively un-worn. The poet is trying to tell that people might have less travelled on the road because it was more risky.
(iii) the passing there: It means the road used by the people to pass along it.
(iv) leaves no step had trodden black: The speaker is trying to say that the leaves had not turned black because less people had stepped on them or it was the least travelled road. It represents a path which people may never have taken in life for the fear of uncertainty.
(v) how way leads on to way: This phrase means how certain decisions are unpredictable. Whichever you choose would result in interesting and unique life experiences. We have to feel good about the choices we made.