English, asked by Arshrastogi9317, 5 months ago

Discuss why unequal access o to basic services amounts to social injustices to social injustices. At least four points may be used for this discussion


Answered by navxas09


Let’s qualify basic services as affordable access to clean water, healthy foods, habitation, medical care and education, you can argue there are many more. Lack of access to these can impare proper brain development in children, lead to other diseases and disabilities which further impair a persons ability to be productive and earn a livable wage, limit the types of occupations a person can become qualified to do, etc.

Start with clean water and healthy eating. When you do not have access to the proper nutrition during your developing years this can cause irreparable damage throughout the body leading to more costly medical issues later in life and on the extreme end brain damage that can limit an individuals ability to reach their full potential. Even when poor people have access to food it is generally of a poorer quality than those who can afford to pay the premium for better foods. Contaminated water supplies are a major cause of disease among the impoverished. It can also lead to heavy metal poisoning that can also lead to irreparable brain damage.

Lack of proper habitation exposes persons to the elements, which again can lead to more exposure to disease and make one less likely to be able to work or even find employment. If you are homeless it is harder to maintain proper hygiene which makes you less employable, you are harder to follow up with for job interviews, etc.

With the lack of proper medical care, it should be easy to see how that can prevent you from being productive and direct monies away from the other needs.

Lack of education severely limits the types of employment you can perform. Generally the types of employment with low educational requirements are the lowest paying so this helps perpetuate the poverty cycle.

These are just a few quick examples of how lack of access to the basic services contribute to the cycle of keeping the impoverished and there descendants in a state of poverty.


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