disscus the structure of an email message in brief
There is a standard structure for emails. Email contents are primarily classified as two, the header and the body. We are going to see the contents come under the two subparts. The email header gives us common details about the message such as the unique identity of the message.
Answer:There is a standard structure for emails. Email contents are primarily classified as two, the header and the body. We are going to see the contents come under the two subparts.
The email header gives us common details about the message such as the unique identity of the message. The details of the users of the ‘from’ and ‘to’ ends are also stored here. The email header consists of the following parts. However, the exact contents of the header can vary according to the email systems that generate the email message.
(a)Subject-The subject part is the topic of the message. In most email systems, if the content view of the folders is set to view each messages separately, the subject part also will be visible with the user’s name. These subject fields are scanned by the spam scanners to evaluate the messages.
(b)Sender (From:)-This field describes the ‘from’ address of the email. This will specify the sender’s email address. Usually, it will be the “reply-to” address.
(c)Date and time received (On)-This is the date and time the message received.
(d)Reply-to-This field describes the email address that will become the recipient of the reply to the particular email. When you reply, it will go to this email address despite the sender email address.
(e)Recipient (To:)-This is the first/last name of the email recipient as configured by the sender.
(f)Recipient email address-The email address of the recipient is specified here.
(g)Attachments-Some emails could be attached with files such as text, image, audio, video etc. These files are specified here.
(h)Body-The actual content is stored in this part. This will be in the format of text. This field could also include signatures or text generated automatically by the sender’s email system. As we mentioned earlier, the contents of the emails can be varied according to the different email systems used by each user.