Distance Covered per litre (km) : No. of cars
12-14 : 11
14-16 : 12
16-18 20
18-20 : 7
The median of the distances covered per litre shown in the above data is in the group . . . . . . Find the correct answer from the alternatives given.
(A) 12-14
(B) 14-16
(C) 16-18
(D) 18-20
the correct answer from the alternatives given is 16 - 18
Step-by-step explanation:
Data given
Distance Covered per litre (km) : No. of cars
12-14 : 11
14-16 : 12
16-18 20
18-20 : 7
Lets have cumulative frequency added in the given data
milegae No. of cars cumulative
12-14 : 11 11
14-16 : 12 23
16-18 20 43
18-20 : 7 50
Total = 50
Median is by 25th & 26th
Which lies in 16-18 group as it has from 24 to 43 cars
the correct answer from the alternatives given is 16 - 18