Biology, asked by rose8836, 1 year ago

Distinfuish between biodegradable and non biodegrable with example


Answered by TheAishtonsageAlvie
Hey there !!!

In our Environment there are two types of waste substances are found

1) Biodegradable

2) Non - Biodegradable

Differences between Biodegradable and non - Biodegradable are -

Biodegradable \: waste \: substances \:

➤these are the substance which are disposed off naturally by the action of microorganism like bacteria which results in there that down into simpler harmless substances

➤These microorganisms secret in joins which solubilize this substance in due course of time

➤Besides the natural biodegradation biodegradable waste can be put to treatment by waste management plants and can also be used as manure to increase soil fertility or as a composed to convert them into biogas that is garbage sewage livestock West used tea leaves waste papers leftover food articles etc
 \: non \: - Biodegradable \: waste \: substances \:

➤The substances that cannot be converted into harmless simpler forms by the action of microorganism r Non Biodegradable

➤Substances these are toxic harmful maybe inert and accumulate in the environment causing harm to live or property this account for the major pollutants of the environment

➤Most non biodegradable waste result from human activities that is radioactive waste (highly toxic ), plastic ( enter in food chain) , insecticide bio magnified themselves heavy metals such as lead arsenic aluminium it cetera that cause many diseases

But what are its effects?

well ,
Effect \: of \: Biodegradable \: waste \: Substances are- \:
➣ decomposition of biodegradable waste leads to foul smell

➣Dumping of Industrial waste reduces the fertility of soil and leads to reduction in crop yields

➣dumping of waste into water bodies lead to water pollution and is responsible for the spreading of various water borne diseases

➣ breeding of a fly sinews quantity on these waste carries gems and spread diseases

Effects \: of \: non - \: Biodegradable \: are -
⟹ long term exposure of a pesticides to air and soil may allow them to enter the food chain and harm the organisms

⟹ substances like a radioactive waste lead Mercury it cetera accumulate in the environment and causes life threatening disease in the womens and other living beings

⟹ they also pollute water and harm the aquatic plants and animals

Hope this would be helpful !!

Róunak: too good..
Róunak: just edit some of the words.
Shobana13: Good
Answered by Róunak
Hey mate...

Before going through the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances....

First of all , Let us talk about:--

what are biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances ?

▪▪Biodegradable Substances▪▪

•••> The substances which can be easily broken down by micro-organisms such as bacteria or other saprophytes from complex compounds to simpler substances with the help of some specific enzymes present in them.

▪▪Non-biodegradable substances▪▪

•••> The substances which cannot be broken down by micro-organisms such as bacteria or other saprophytes from complex compounds to simpler substances because those organisms doesn't have any specific enzyme to break it down.

So, The following are the differences between biodegradable substances and non-biodegradable substances:--

Biodegradable Substances :-

1) These substances decompose naturally in the environment.

2) These substances are made up of natural ingredients.

3) These substances are safe for the environment and donot cause harm to the environment.

4) They simply don't persist in the environment for long time.

5) They can be constantly reused again and again.

6) Examples are :-- Waste papers , Fruit-peels , lime-juice , cake etc.

Non-biodegradable substances:-

1) These substances cannot get decomposed naturally.

2) These substances are made up of synthetic materials.

3) They are harmful for the environment and can create environmental pollution.

4) These substances are inert and persist in the environment for a long period of time.

5) They cannot be reused again and again.

6) Examples are:-- Glass materials , plastics etc.

▪▪ Negative affects ▪▪

Biodegradable Substances:--

1) They may produce foul smell during the decomposition process.

2) They may produce harmful gases such as methane, CO2 etc which can further cause Global Warming.

Non-biodegradable substances:--

1) They contaminate soil and water and cannot be decomposed.

2) These substances when eaten by stray animals can harm them and can even cause their death.

Hope it helps !!!!

Shobana13: Awesome
Róunak: thx ..mate
Shobana13: ☺☺
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