Biology, asked by bhavanachouhan1976, 11 months ago

Distinguish among true solution,suspension and colloid in a tabular from under the following heads


Answered by vaimozhim


Difference Between True Solution, Colloidal Solution, and Suspension

true_vs_colllids_vs suspension

The true solution is the homogenous mixture, while Colloidal solution and Suspension are the heterogeneous mixtures of two or more substances. Another difference between these three types of solution is that the True solution is transparent, while the Colloidal solution is translucent and Suspension is opaque.


Concerning chemistry, Solutions can be defined as the mixtures of two or more substances, where the solvent is in the liquid form, and the solute can be liquid, solid or gas. There are many different types of solutions and have many distinct features, but in a broad sense, they can be categorized as True, Colloidal or Suspension solutions.

On the ground of size of the particles, nature of the solution, the ability of diffusion and sedimentation these solutions can be defined. They (solutions) are also differentiated by Brownian motion and Tyndall effect.

The Brownian motion is the haphazard movements or motion of the particles in the solution, which is due to their collision. On the other hand, the Tyndall effect is the effect of a beam of light passed through the liquid, the particles present in it (liquid) may give different results.

In this post, we will be focussing on the points on which the three types of solutions differ, along with a summary on them.

Comparison Chart



True solutions are the type of mixtures, where the solute and solvents are properly mixed in the liquid phase.

Colloidal solutions are the type of mixture, where the solute (tiny particles or colloids) is uniformly distributed in the solvent (liquid phase).  

The suspension is the mixture, where the solute does not get dissolved, rather get suspended in the liquid and float freely in the medium.


Sugar solution in water.

Starch dissolved in water.

Soil dissolved in water.

Nature of the solutions




External appearance




Size of the particles (in diameter)

<1 nm.

1-1000 nm.

>1000 nm.

Diffusion of the solution through parchment paper

Diffusion of the particles of the true solutions is simple and smooth through parchment and filter paper as well.

Particles of the colloidal solutions do not diffuse or pass through parchment paper, but it is easy through filter paper. Particles of the suspension do not pass through parchment or filter paper.


Will, not sediment.

Particles or colloids will not sediment.  

Particles will get sediment.

Visibility of particles In true solutions, particles are invisible through the naked eye.

The particles in the colloidal solution are visible through the electron microscope, but not through the naked eye.

The particles in the suspension are visible through naked eyes as well as under the electron microscope.

Tyndall effect

The true solution does show the Tyndall effect.

Tyndall effect is shown by the colloids in the colloidal solution.

The particles show Tyndall effect.

Brownian Movements

Particles in the true solution do show Brownian movements. Particles in the colloidal solution show Brownian movements. The particles show Brownian movements.


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