Geography, asked by sabi5705, 1 month ago

distinguish b/w tropical evergreen and deciduous forests...
plz tell me the answer​


Answered by GeniusYH


Tropical Evergreen Forests :

1) These forests lie in Tropic areas and are Evergreen.

[Tropical areas are the areas from Tropic of Capricorn to Tropic of Cancer.]

2) These forests receive more than 200 cm of Rainfall.

3) Trees reach up to a great height 60 m or even more.

4) These forests are densely vegetated.

[Trees, Shrubs and Creepers give a multilayered structure, known as Canopy]

5) No definite time for trees to shed their leaves.

6) Trees found here are Ebony, Rosewood, Mahogany, Rubber and Cinchona.

7) Animals found here are Elephants, monkeys, lemur & deers, One-horned rhinoceros, bats, sloths, scorpions, snails, birds, etc.

8) These forests are found in Western Ghats, Easter Coastal Planes and North-Eastern States in India.

Tropical Deciduous Forests :

1) These are also called Monsoon Forests.

2) These are the most widespread forests of India. These cover most of India.

3) These forests receive around 70 cm to 200 cm of rainfall.

4) These trees are not densely vegetated.

5) Trees shed their leaves only during summer.

6) Animals found here are Lions, Tigers, Pigs, deers, elephants, lizards, snakes, variety of birds, etc.

7) On the basis of availability of water, these forests are divided into two types :

  • a) Moist Deciduous Forests :

1) These forests receive 100 cm to 200 cm of rainfall.

2) Trees found here are Teak, Sal, Bamboo, Shisham, Sandalwood, Khair Kusam, Arjun & Mulberry

3) These forests are in North-Eastern states, foot of Himalayas, Jharkhand, West Odisha, Chattisgarh and Eastern Slopes of Western Ghats.

  • b) Dry Deciduous Forests :

1) These forests receive 70 cm to 100 cm of rainfall.

2) Trees found here are Teak, Sal, peepal, neem.

3) These forests are found in Rainier parts of Peninsular Plateau, and plains of UP and Bihar.

Thanks !

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