Biology, asked by ritikajaiswal292007, 4 months ago

Distinguish between:
1. kidney and brain


Answered by Purva2137



•The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist.

•They are located just below the rib cage, one on each side of your spine.

•Healthy kidneys filter about a half cup of blood every minute, removing wastes and extra water to make urine


•The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body.

•It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections called synapses.

•The brain is made up of many specialized areas that work together: The cortex is the outermost layer of brain cells

Answered by rudh2345


1. Nearly all colors have a physical wavelength associated with it, but the color Magenta doesn't. Rather, your brain is simply processing the color as "not green."

2. When you find yourself sleeping in a new environment for the first time, the brain processes danger and remains half-awake in order to be more aware.

3. According to researchers at UCLA, humans have been observed to have their first bout with anxiety or depression right after stomach illnesses. Utilizing brain scans, they found that patients who ate probiotics had their brains directly affected by the bacteria. All of their research suggests that stomach microbial health has a much greater effect on your brain than once thought.

New Bacteria Linked to Chimp Deaths Could Jump to Humans

4. A man by the name of Bruce Bridgeman spent nearly his entire life, 67 years, without the ability of depth perception, called stereoblindness. However, after being forced to purchase 3D glasses to watch the movie Hugo in theaters, his brain clicked and he was able to experience 3D vision.

5. A man in the UK had chronic hiccups for 2.5 years of his life and was told that it was likely caused by heartburn. After a Japanese TV show picked up the strange phenomena and paid for medical testing, a brain tumor was discovered. Once the man had the tumor removed, his chronic hiccups went away for good.

6. Blacking out from drinking is actually caused by the effect of alcohol on the hippocampus, the part of your brain responsible for memory. You're not physically forgetting anything, rather your brain becomes incapable of storing and recording new memories.

7. We cry when we are very happy because our hypothalamus in our brain can't distinguish the difference between strong happiness and strong sadness.

8. We get chills when we listen to music as a result of our brain releasing dopamine. When a song "moves" you, the anticipation from a peak moment in the song triggers this release.


They get rid of waste products carried in the blood.

The kidneys are part of the waste disposal team. They check out the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that you get from your food and send off into urine anything that is not needed. They make urine (wee), send it down to the bladder through tubes called the ureters (say yoo-ree-ters), and when the bladder feels full enough the brain sends you off to the toilet to get rid of the urine. Have a look at 'Your waste disposal system' if you would like to know more about this.


They balance the volume of fluid in the body.

Adults have around 7 to 8 litres of blood in their body (kids have a smaller amount, depending on how big they are). All of this gets filtered through the kidneys many times a day. If the volume of fluid in your body goes down (maybe you are sweating out a lot of fluid through your skin or maybe you are not drinking enough water), the kidneys will not make much urine until the amount of fluid in your body goes up.

They can change blood pressure.

The kidneys make a hormone that can constrict (make narrower) the arteries in the body. This causes blood pressure to rise when a higher pressure is needed to make sure that blood gets to all parts of your body.

They help in making red blood cells.

The kidneys make a hormone that tells the body when to make more red blood cells.

They produce active vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium from dairy products and some other foods that you eat. Calcium is needed to make strong bones and teeth.

Looking after your kidneys

You can look after your kidneys by:

drinking 4 to 6 glasses of water or other drinks (such as milk drinks) each day. Your kidneys like water best.


eating a healthy diet so that you get all the minerals and vitamins that your body needs

not eating a lot of 'sometimes' treats. Our topic 'Balanced diet' can help you.

staying away from drugs like tobacco and alcohol - these make the kidneys' job more difficult.

When kidneys don't work well

in hospitalYour body can still work quite well with only one kidney, so long as that kidney is healthy.

Some people don't have healthy kidneys, and sometimes their kidneys stop working.

Some people need to go on a special machine that acts like a kidney to wash and clean the blood. This is called dialysis (say di-a-li-siss). These machines are very expensive and it takes several hours a day for about 3 days a week. This makes it difficult for those people to live their lives.

Sometimes people may be lucky enough to have a dialysis machine at home.

Sometimes people can have a kidney transplant, which means that they get a kidney from some other person, often someone in the family, and special doctors at the hospital put it into their body.

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