Distinguish between – a) Bangar and Khadar b) Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats
khadar: ◆New alluvial soil is know as khadar.
◆ khadar has more fine particles and is more fertile than bhangar.
◆ it is very fertile.
◆ khadar soil is found in low areas like vallies which are flooded every year.
◆ Old alluvial soil is known as bhangar.
◆ The bhangar soil has high concentration of kankar or bigger particles .
◆ it is less fertile than khadar.
◆ the bhangar soil is found at the higher reaches above 30m from flood level.
The Western Ghats runs parallel to the western coast in a north-south direction from the Tapi River to Kanyakumari. But the Eastern Ghats runs in a north-east to a south-west direction parallel to the eastern coast from Orissa to the Nilgiri hills. ... The Western Ghats continuous and can be crossed through passes only.
Bhangar is composed of lime nodules which are also called kanker. It has a clayey composition. The khadar is light in colour and consists of newer deposits. Khadar soil is more fertile than Bhangar as it gets replenished by new layers of soil every year during monsoon floods.