distinguish between aliphatic and aromatic compounds
In aliphatic compounds the Carbon compounds are linked to each other in a straight chain manner.
In aromatic compounds the Carbon compounds are linked to each other in ring structure manner with conjugated pi electrons. These compounds does not follow Huckel's rule.
hope it helps u...
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Answer: distinguish between aliphatic and aromatic compounds
Aliphatic compounds: Structure in aliphatic compounds the Carbon compounds are linked to each other in a straight chain manner.
Aromatic compounds : In aromatic compounds the Carbon compounds are linked to each other in ring structure manner with conjugated pi electrons.
Huckel’ rule (4n+2 rule)
al: These compounds does not follow Huckel’s rule.
ar: These compounds follow Huckel’s rule.
al: No pleasant odour
ar: Pleasant odour
Flame test
al: They burns with non sooty flame.
ar: They burns with sooty flame.
Carbon to hydrogen ratio
al: More
ar: Less
al: Ethane, propane, butane…etc
ar: Benzene, Napthalene…etc
hope it helps...