Biology, asked by meetjamsutkar, 1 year ago

distinguish between glycolysis and TCA
be brainliest ans this


Answered by DavidOtunga
Let's start the differences between the latter two (point wise)
1) Glycolysis: It occurs inside the cytoplasm
Krebs cycle or tri carboxylic acid cycle: operates inside the mitochondria

2) Glycolysis: It is a straight or linear pathway
TCA: It is a cyclic pathway

3) Glycolysis: It is the first step of respiration in which glucose is broken down to the level of pyruvate.
TCA: It is the second step in respiration where an active acetyl group is broken down completely.

4) Glycolysis: The process is both common to aerobic and anaerobic modes of respiration.
TCA: It occurs only in aerobic respiration

5) Glycolysis: It degrades a molecule of glucose into two molecules of an organic substance, pyruvate.
TCA: It degrades pyruvate completely into inorganic substances (CO2 + H2O)

I Hope this helps!!!
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