Distinguish between ‘instrumental aggression’ and ‘hostile aggression’ Suggest some strategies to reduce aggression and violence
Difference between instrumental aggression and hostile aggression
Psychologists have often categorized human aggression as hostile or instrumental. Hostile aggression is "hot,” impulsive behavior that is motivated by a desire to hurt someone; instrumental aggression is "cold," premeditated behavior used as a means to some other end.
Explanation: Reducing aggression
Be solicitous and understanding of others
Avoid negativity
Display cultural sensitivity
Be positive and encouraging of others,
Reinforce appropriate behaviors
Avoid assumptions and rash judgments
Avoid power struggles/unhealthy competition
Be aware of remarks and actions that trigger aggression
Make strong efforts to eliminate/reduce the effects of "trigger situations"
Manage problems quickly
Be prepared to deflate or cope with incidents of aggression if they do occur.
Professional counseling is also helpful
Sharing feelings with friends and family often helps