Biology, asked by mawiipriskipgep5bn5q, 1 year ago

Distinguish between kleinifelters and tumers syndrome give three reasons


Answered by Ashagouri
Klinefelter in 1942 reported an abnormal male syndrome, which came to be known as Klinefelter syndrome. Individuals with this syndromes are phenotypically males but with tendency towards femaleness. They show some abnormal features such as enlarged breasts, underdeveloped body hair, and small testes and prostrate glands. They usually have long legs and hands.
The chromosome complements in most of the affected persons is 47, XXY. They have an extra X in addition to the usual male complement XY(44+XXY). The XXY constitutions originate either by fertilization of an XX egg by Y sperm or an X egg by an exceptional XY sperm. One in every 500 male births is the victim of this syndrome.
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