Distinguish between of trademark and logos in tabular form
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BASIS FOR COMPARISONTRADEMARKPATENTMeaningTrademark connotes a symbol, which is used by the companies to distinguish their products or services from those of the competitors.Patent is described as the monopoly conferred by the government, for a set period over a new and useful invention.Applicable toMarks or symbols on goods, which represent the brand offering the item.Inventions of any kind.ProtectionProtects goodwill tied with the mark.Ideas, which are turned to reality.Awarded forDistinctivenessNovelty and non-obviousnessPreventsOther from using a mark which too nearly resembles with the company's mark.Others from producing, using or selling the patented product.RegistrationDiscretionaryCompulsoryTerm10 years20 years
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