distinguish between operator and expression
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Operators :
Operator is a representation of Mathematical operation.
- Arithmetic Operators (+ - * / % ++ --)
- Relational Operators ( == != < > <= >=)
- Logical Operators (&& || ! )
- Bitwise Operators (^ & | ~ )
- Assignment Operators ( = += -= *= /= %= <<= >>= &= ^= |=)
- Misc Operators (sizeof() * & ?:)
Expression :
Expression is a statement that can convey a value.
- int A = 10
- int B = 25
- int C = A + B
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Expression perform specific action, based on a operator, with one or two operands. An operand can be a constant, a variable or a function result. Operators are arithmetic, logical, and relational. As with C, some operators vary in functionality according to the data type of the operand specified in the expression.
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