Distinguish between spatial and intensity resolution
Spatial resolution and Resolution intensity are terms used in image resolution or clarity of image. In simple terms, images are referred to as blurred or sharp, depending on the intensity of resolution.
Intensity of resolution means the number of pixels per square inch, which determines the clarity or sharpness of an image.
Spatial resolution refers to the number of pixels used in making an image. Images with a higher number of pixels per square inch are sharp and hence said to have a higher Spatial resolution. Such images are very clear.
In radiology, spatial resolution is used to differentiate between objects located close to each other.
Please find the answer below:
(i) Spatial resolution: Spatial resolution is the number of pixels used for the construction of a digital image. Images that have a higher spatial resolution are made of a greater number of pixels as compared to the lower spatial resolution.
(ii) Intensity Resolution: It is the concentration of pixels in the creation of digital images according to the spatial resolution.