Distinguish between standard error and standard deviation
Difference between standard deviation and standard error.
Standard deviation- When there are different sets of values noted down or different sets of data captured and recorded then the variation or the vast Dispersion of the data seen or present is known as the standard deviation. it is the range of data that is taken into account for the same experiment or reason.If the range of data is not widely spread and very close to each other then the standard deviation that we get would be less that means it will be closer to mean showing a small range spread of data.
Standard error- The standard error is a bit similar to standard deviation but Unlike the standard deviation the mean of the range of data is not recorded but the samples from the data are picked up and the mean of those samples that are collected is calculated this would give the standard error mean. the standard error mean depends more on the kind of Samples that are corrected and not on the data.
To know more:
Standard deviations
What is difference between standard deviation and relative standard deviation