Distinguish between state and other associations
1. State is the Sovereign organisation. Associations are Non-sovereign organsiations of people.
2. The State has wider objectives and Association narrower.
3. Citizenship of the State is Compulsory but membership of each Association is Voluntary.
4. The State can impose Taxes, and not an Association. The State requires finances to run administration.
5. One person can become a member of only one State but of several Associations
The distinction between the State and associations is given below :
1. The State has a definite territory. It may be big or small but it must have fixed boundaries. An association, may be limited to a small locality or it may be international in its scope. A badminton club is an example of a local association. While the Red Cross Society is an international association.
2. Membership of the State is compulsory but that of an association is optional. A man is born in the State and cannot withdraw from the membership of the State. One can easily withdraw from the membership of any association.
3. The membership of the State is singular. One cannot be a member of more than one State simultaneously. However, one may be the member of more than one association.
4. The State is more or less permanent and is not easily subject to dissolution but an association may be dissolved at any time and on any ground.
5. The State is national in character. General principle is “one nation, one State”. But an association may be local, national or international.