distinguish between substances agriculture and commercial agriculture
In this type of farming high doses of modern inputs are used.
It is done on large piece of land.
In this raw material is send to respective industries.
the degree of commercialisation of agriculture varies from place to place.
Subsistence farming
this type of farming is practised in areas of high population pressure on land.
IT is labour intensive farming.
In this type of farming bio chemicals inputs and irrigation are used for obtaining higher production.
● Subsistence Agriculture
a. Crops are cultivated for sustenance
b. No crop specialisation
c. Practised in developing countries
d. Farms size is small
e. Farm work is mainly done by hands
●Commercial Agriculture
a. Crops are cultivated for sale in the market
b. Crop specialization
c. Practised in developed countries
d. Farms size is large
e. Machines are used in farming