Distinguish between the following
i) Primary activity and Tertiary.
ii)subsistence farming and Intensive farming.
1. Primary activity : Primary activities are those activities that which involve exploitation of natural resources. It is the base for production of other goods that is it provides raw materials. Example: Agriculture, mining, animal husbandry.
Tertiary : Tertiary activities are those activities that provide services to the people.
2. Subsistence farming : Subsistence farming is growing food for your own and your family's direct consumption. Like a backyard vegetable garden, but with fruit, starch crops, and animals as well.
Intensive farming : Intensive agriculture is anything that really works the land hard. The inputs cost money, so it is generally only done for profit.
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Primary Sector
(i) It is known as agriculture and allied services sector.
(ii) This sector produce goods and services by exploiting natural resources.
(iii) This sector is unorganised and use traditional techniques.
(iv) Activities related to agriculture, forestry fishing, mining and animal husbandary are included in this sector.
(v) This sector continue to be the largest employer in most of the developing nations like that of lndia.
Secondary Sector
(i) It is known as manufacturing sector.
(ii) This sector transforms one good into another by creating more utility from it.
(iii) it is organised sector and use better techniques.
(iv) It includes manufacturing units, small scale units, large firms, big corporates and multinational corporations.
(v) This sector has failed to provide employment to the surplus workers of primary sector.
Tertiary sector
(i) it is known as service sector.
(ii) This sector provides useful services to primary and secondary sectors for these functioning of their working.
(iii) it is organised sector and use better techniques.
(iv) Services related to banking, insurance, trade and communication come in this sector.
(v) This sector‘s sharing in the employment is increasing.
Q 2 Intensive farming or intensive agriculture is a kind of agriculture where a lot of capital and labour are used to increase the yield that can be obtained per area. The use of large amounts of pesticides for crops, and for medication for animal stocks is common. In a lot of part of India or world intensive farming had been started after Green Revolution and because of that people shift from organic farming to chemical farming which causes alot of damage to the soil , water, air, humans and even mother earth. Because some of the chemical were non biodegradable which causes a lot of harm to every one. Like Punjab and Haryana used to produce highest amount of wheat and maize for the country but now days soil quality of both state is getting worst and lot of water pump has been marked red because of infected water
Subsistence agriculture is a self-sufficiency farming system in which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families. The output is mostly for local requirements with little or no surplus trade. Alot of small farmers who are also govt employees they do this type of farming so they could just provide a good quality organic food to their families and children. Because chemical substances causes a lot of damage to the human body and mind
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