Distinguish between the following pairs :
(a) Flower and inflorescence,
(b) Petals and petaloid sepals.
(c) Polyandraus and Polyadephous androecium
1=The main difference between flower inflorescence is that flower is a modified shoot, which serves as the reproductive organ of flowering plants whereas inflorescence is a group of flowers arranged on a floral axis.
Petal is the part of the flower which is the non-essential whorls that are brightly colored to attract insects for pollination process. Petaloid is when the perianth is non-green i.e. when petals and sepals appear to be undifferentiated. 3=not know about it please make brainlist
Flower: The flower is a modified shoot which shows distinct nodes and internodes and the stalk of the flower is called pedicel .
Inflorescence: Inflorescence is a group of flowers arranged on a floral axis which does not show distinct nodes and internodes and the stalk of the flower is called peduncle.
Petal is the part of the flower which is the non-essential whorls that are brightly colored to attract insects for pollination process.
Petaloid is when the perianth is non-green i.e. when petals and sepals appear to be undifferentiated. Petaloid is resembling the petal of a flower.
Polyandrous Androecium is when stamens are many free e.g., Corchorus.
Polyadelphous Androecium is when filaments are united in many groups with their anthers remaining free e.g., Ricinus, Citrus etc.
Androecium is the stamens of a flowering plant collectively. Stamen is the male reproductive organ of the flower, consisting of a stalk like filament, anther lobes and connective.