Distinguish between the following.
Solids, liquids, and gases
. Short answer questions.
1. Name the three states of matter. Give two examples of each.
2. How are particles arranged in a liquid?
3. Why do gases expand to fill the container?
. Long answer questions.
1. Explain the arrangement of particles in solids and liquids.
2. What are the characteristics of liquids and gases?
3. Gases do not have a fixed volume. Comment.
4. Sand can flow like a liquid, yet it is not a liquid. Explain.
. Look at the eight statements given below about different states a
sentences alongside each state of matter.
hard, specific volume and shape, high density, cannot be compressed
2. fixed volume, no definite shape, high density, individual molecules touch each other but in a random way
variable volume and shape, low density, compressible
4. solid and liquid have definite volume; gas has no definite volume
sodium chloride (answers will vary)
6. glass
At higher temperatures, their intermolecular interactions are strong enough to hold the particles in place.
8. Substances with weak intermolecular interactions are likely to be liquids at lower temperatures. Their attractive forces are more easily broken hence they melt more readily.
high density; definite volume
10. Solids have definite shape while liquids don't. In solids, molecules occupy fixed positions in a pattern, while in liquids, the molecules are moving in a random arrangement.
11. liquid; gas; solid
12. solid; liquid; gas
Distinguish between the following.
Solids, liquids, and gases
. Short answer questions.
1. Name the three states of matter. Give two examples of each.
2. How are particles arranged in a liquid?
3. Why do gases expand to fill the container?
. Long answer questions.
1. Explain the arrangement of particles in solids and liquids.
2. What are the characteristics of liquids and gases?
3. Gases do not have a fixed volume. Comment.
4. Sand can flow like a liquid, yet it is not a liquid. Explain.
. Look at the eight statements given below about different states a
sentences alongside each state of matter.