Physics, asked by arjaveejain3042, 1 year ago

Distinguish between voiced sound and voiceless sound


Answered by AnmolRaii

SOUNDS WITH VOCAL CORDS VIBRATION IS CALLED VOICED SOUND where as voiceless sound is the sound starting from the letter v and f

Answered by divya14321


Alll the sounds produced in the English are either voiced or voiceless. Voiced sounds occur when the vocal cords vibrate when the sound is produced. There is no vocal cord vibration when producing voiceless sounds. To test thise, place your finger tips hand on your throat as you say the sounds. When saying the voiced sounds, you should be able to feel a vibration. When saying the voiceless sounds you sound not be able to feel a vibration.

Sometimes it is very difficult to feel the difference between a voiced and voiceless sound. Another test may help. Put a piece of paper in front of your mouth when saying the sounds- the paper will should move when saying the unvoiced sounds.

All vowels in English are voiced. Some of the consonant sounds are voiced and some are voiceless. Some of the consonanat sounds produced in English are very similar. Many times the difference between them is because one is voiced and the other is voiceless. Two examples are ‘z’, which is voiced and ‘s’, which is voiceless. See the chart below for a listing of the voiced and voicelless consonants.

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