Distinguish between web based and aaplication based email services .Also, give examples
You can access Web mail from any Internet-connected device, whereas you can only use an email client on the specific device the client software is installed on. Web mail, however, can only be read when you are online, unlike client-based email which usually provides offline access. Also, clients can often be set up to retrieve messages from Web mail accounts, such as Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook.com, so you can read email from your Web mail provider in the client of your choice.
Webmail (or web-based email) is any email client implemented as a web application running on a web server. Examples of webmail software are Roundcube and SquirrelMail. Examples of webmail providers are AOL Mail, Gmail, Outlook.com/Hotmail.com, Rackspace Email, Yahoo! Mail and IceWarp Mail Server. Many webmail providers also offer email access by a desktop email client using standard email protocols, while many internet service providers provide a webmail client as part of the email service included in their internet service package.