distinguish conductors and instructors
Difference Between Conductor & Insulator
The conductor and insulator are the types of material. One of the major difference between the conductor and insulator is that the conductor allows the energy (i.e., current or heat ) to pass through it, whereas the insulator does not allow the energy to pass through it. Some other differences between them are explained below in the form of the comparison chart.
Content: Conductor V/s Insulator
Comparison Chart
Key Differences
Point to Remember
Comparison Chart
Basis For Comparison Conductor Insulator
Definition Material which permits the electric current or heat to pass through it. Restrict the electric current or heat to pass through it.
Electric Field Exist on the surface but remain zero inside the conductor. Do not exist on insulator.
Magnetic Field Store energy Do not store energy
Potential Remain same at all the point on conductor. Remain zero.
Thermal Conductivity High Low
Covalent bond Weak Strong
Conductivity Very high Low
Resistance Low High
Electrons Freely move Do not move freely
Resistivity Vary from high to low High
Temperature coefficient Positive temperature coefficient of resistance Negative temperature coefficient of resistance
Conduction band Full of electrons Remain empty
Valence Band Remains Empty Full of electrons
Forbidden gap No forbidden gap Large forbidden gap
Examples Irons, aluminum, silver, copper, etc. Rubber, wood, Paper, etc.
Application For making electrical wires and conductor As a insulation in electrical cables or conductor, for supporting electrical equipment etc
hope it helps
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