Distinguish stem tendrils from thorns by giving it's characteristic feature and function
STEM TENDRIL::it is the modification of ##stem in which axillary bud modifies to form a thin ,wiry and highly sensitive structure called tendril..tendril help the plant to attach itself to the support and climb.they are found in plants with weak stem.Tendrils are Leafless,coiled structure with sensitive adhesive glands for fixation.Example of axillary tendril--Passiflora.In Vitis apical bud is modified into tendril and further growth is resumed by axillary bud.In cucurbita extra axillary bud is modified into tendril while in antigonon floral bud is tendrillar.
##Thorn:: Thorn is hard ,pointed usually structure produced by modification of axillary bud .Leaves, Branches and flowers are developed on thorns at the nodes ,indicating that it is a modified stem .It provide protection against browsing animals.e.g.Citrus , Bougainvillea,Duranta etc.In carrisa,apical bud is modified into Thorn.

Thorns are the sharp points on some plants and trees, for example on a rose bush. Tendrils are thin stems which grow on some plants so that they can attach themselves to supports such as walls or other plants. Thorns are stiff, sharp-pointed, straight or curved woody projection on the stem or other part of a plant