Political Science, asked by rabeeamasood2837, 11 months ago

Distinguish the basic philosophy of indian constitution


Answered by satyendrakumar19

Popular Sovereignty: Thes Preamble begins with the words “We the people of India………” and ends with the words “………adopt, enact and give to ourselves this Constitution”. It indicates that ultimate sovereignty lies with the people of India who collectively constitute the supreme source of authority in the country. The Constitution is regarded as the supreme law of the state, but the supreme power of the state is vested upon the people of India.

· India as a Sovereign state: The Preamble declares India as a sovereign state. It is free from any external control. No foreign power can interfere in the internal affairs of India. India can determine her foreign affairs according to her free will.

· India as a Socialist state: The word ‘Socialist’ has been added in the Preamble by the 42nd Amendment in 1976. It means the Constitution of India has a great objective to secure social and economic equality and fair distribution of wealth among all sections of people in the country. By inserting the term ‘socialist’, it has not only brought a feeling of equal status among the people but also strengthened the philosophical foundation of the Indian Constitution. Some socialistic principles are also distinctly reflected in the Articles 39, 41, 42 and 43 which are incorporated in the Directive Principles of State Policy.

· India as a Secular state: The word ‘Secular’ has been included in the Preamble by the 42nd Amendment in 1976. The characteristic of Indian secularism is that India does not recognize any religion as the official or state religion and treats all religions equally. Moreover, different communities in India have the right to practise their own faiths. Thus, secularism is one of the ideals of the Indian Constitution.

· India as a Democratic state: The Preamble describes India as a democratic state. The prime philosophy and ideal of the Indian Constitution is to make India a democratic state. India is regarded as the largest democratic state in the World. According to Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is by the people, for the people and of the people.” The Constitution of India has established a parliamentary democracy in India marked by universal adult franchise, periodic election to choose the government, majority rule, rule of law, decentralization of power, rule of law, independence of the judiciary, etc.

· India as a Republic: The Preamble declares India to be a republic. What it means is that the Head of the State in India, that is the President of India, is an elected head. He is not a hereditary ruler. The President of India who is the Chief Executive and nominal head of our country is indirectly elected by the people.

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