distuinguish between natural and human made resuorces
A “resource” is by definition, anything that has utility for humans — things that are useful or desirable for the existence of Homo sapiens. Often they are categorized as things sourced from the natural environment (with little or no human modification) and things created anew by the minds of man, e.g. technologies and social institutions. In between are large ranges of things that are products of both resources to different degrees.
Natural resources include clean air, moving water, unplanted forests and vegetation, naturally soils and topography, marine life, minerals and ores, and wildlife. They’re often things that are difficult to put a value on. (How much would you pay for safe drinking water or a beautiful sunset over a lake?)
Human resources, in contrast, rely on human ingenuity and effort to shape and control man-made environments — modes of communication and transport, cities and towns, buildings and roads, accumulations of skill and knowledge. Human resources are the sum total of the tools and products we use to shape and reshape the natural environment in unimaginable ways. We’re often able to put a price on these things that create our economies. (Wildlife and uncut forests are natural resources; domestic animals and crops are human resources.
Many resources are combinations of the natural and the human: outdoor parks and recreation areas, fisheries and agriculture, extraction and refining of metals and minerals, construction and manufacturing. Indeed, since humans are comprised of the elements of nature (air, water, minerals, microbes), in reality we are combinations — part natural and part uniquely human. As such, we need to pay attention to unpriced natural resources as well as their extraction (harvesting) and use — and conservation for future generations.hope it helps you please mark as brilliant
Answer:Natural resource:
1. natural resources are those resources occuring in nature
2. they are both renewable and non renewable
3. they help in economic development of people
4.ex- land, water, forest, mineral deposits
man made resources
1. man-made resources are a type of of resources that doesn't occur naturally and is made by humans
2. they are non-renewable
3.they help in economic as well as social development
4.ex-building, bridges , electric items, etc which make mans life a perfect and luxury one .