distungish bettwen aerobic and anaerobic respiration
Differences. As we touched on, the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration is whether or not oxygen is present. Aerobic respiration needs oxygen to occur, while anaerobic does not. ... During aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide, water, and ATP are produced
Respiration is one of the life processes in which energy is produced by the oxidative breakdown of food.
It has two types:-)
1.Aerobic respiration
In this,energy is produced in the presence of oxygen.
2.Anaerobic respiration
In this,energy is produced in the absence or lack of oxgen.
=>more differences
1.In aerobic respiration,no acid is produced.
1*.In anaerobic respiration,lactic acid is produced.
2.In aerobic respiration,the supply of oxygen remains normal.
2*.In anaerobic respiration,the supply of oxygen goes rapidly due to lack of oxygen in body.
3.In aerobic respiration,body of the organism remains relaxed and examples are while sleeping,sitting,etc.
3*.In anaerobic respiration,body of the organism not remains relaxed but the working of muscles is increased and examples are running,dancing,etc.