English, asked by Rameshchowdhury, 5 months ago

Divide the following into subject and predicate The night was cool​


Answered by priyanshusharma7047


A sentence can be divided into two halves: the complete subject and the complete predicate. The complete subject is made up of all the words that tell who or what the sentence is about. The complete predicate includes the verb and all the words that tell what happened in the sentence.

Answered by 14389


divide each of the following sentences into subject and predicate

A. He goes to the church on Sunday.

B. I have a garden of my own.

C. the poor old woman gets the little food.

D. the cold wind blew last night.

E. the foolish crow tried to sing.

F. the hungry child wept butterly.

G. shirins mother is ill.

H. the old woman looks unhappy.

I. the little lamb followed Jane everywhere.

J. here come the boys.

K. little Harry is the cleverest boy in the class

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