Math, asked by kaladhaliwal211, 8 months ago

divide the integer(-9999) by(-99)​


Answered by aman08994k


Here the divisor (999) is 3-digit number and the dividend (586413) is a 6-digit number. And the dividend is evenly divisible by the Divisor. So, the rule is applicable.

Now, since 999 has three digits; mentally omit three digits from the right side of the dividend i.e.413.

Rest of the dividend is 586. Now, add 1 to 586 to get the final answer 587.

So, 586413 ÷ 999 =7

7846421535 ÷ 99999 =?

As there is five 9’s divisor; omit 5 digits of the dividend from the right to get 78464.

Now, add 1 to 78464 to get the answer 78465.

889911 ÷ 9999 =?

Here the divisor (9999) is 4-digit number and the dividend (889911) is a 6-digit number. And the dividend is evenly divisible by the Divisor. So, the rule is applicable.

Since 9999 has 4 digits; omit 4 digits from the dividend to get 88 and adding up 1 to 88 gives 89. So, 889911 ÷ 9999 =89.

But, 9999 ÷ 99 = 99 + 2 = 101

Similarly, 999999 ÷ 999 = 999 + 2 = 1001

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