DM of your district write a letter to informing him about disaster in your locality due to weather condition to make safety and arrangement and rescue the life
Hoshiarpur Disaster_ Management Plan is a part of multi-level planning
advocated ~y ?ove~~nt o~ PunJab and ?ovemment of India. The plan is prepared to
help the D1stnct admm1stratlon for effective response during the disaster. Hoshiarpur
district is prone to na_tural well as ~an-made d_isasters. Earthquake, flood are the major
Natural Hazard and mdustr1al, chemical, fire, rail/road accidents etc. are the main man-
made disaster of the district. The District Disaster Management plan includes facts and
figures those have been collected from various departments. District Disaster
management Plan is first attempt of the district administration and is a comprehensive
document which contains various chapters and each chapter has its own importance. The
plan consist Hazard & Risk Assessment, Institutional Mechanism, Response Mechanism,
Standard Operating Procedure, Inventory of Resources etc.
It is expected that the District level officials of different department will
carefully go through the plan and if have any suggestions & comments be free to convey
the same so that we can include them in the next edition.
It is hoped that the plan would provide concrete guidel~es to~~ds
preparedness and quick response in case of an e?1ergency and_ help ~n ~ea!tzmg
sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction & mitigate/minimizes the losses m the d1stnct m the
long run.