Environmental Sciences, asked by Divyansh933, 1 year ago

Do alien really exist? Breif Discussion please..


Answered by lovelypiku
hey...here is your answer.........❤️❤️❤️

The Milky Way has about a hundred billion stars in it, with some estimates four times larger than that. In 2009, NASA launched the Kepler spacecraft to search for planets around distant stars. What the Kepler mission found was nothing short of astounding. We know that most stars have planets (over 80%). About a quarter of those planetary systems have a planet at a distance from the star that would allow for liquid water. And, of those, 10% to 20% of the time those planets are around the same size as Earth. Combining those numbers, we can estimate with some accuracy that the number of possibly habitable planets in our galaxy is in the neighborhood of 2 billion.

While there is some uncertainty in this estimate, it is relatively firm. We are far less certain in our estimation of whether life will be created, if it will survive, and if intelligence will evolve. If these life-related probabilities are high, say above 50%, then life should be extremely common in our galaxy. If those numbers are low, we could be alone.

For all these factors, we only have our own Earth to guide us. And, of course, generalizing from a single instance is not a wise thing to do. However, we are not completely ignorant even with just our single planet to study.✨✨✨✨✨✨

muskan55794: nice ans dear frnd alisha
lovelypiku: thnx...smile...☺️☺️
muskan55794: ☺☺
lovelypiku: okkk
Divyansh933: thnx..
lovelypiku: most welcome
Divyansh933: But please don't copy paste stuffs
lovelypiku: ur...question....are so....bad
Divyansh933: thnx ma'am
Answered by Anonymous
Yup they exist.. tell me why astronomers now a year's don't go for a mission in moon.. this is due to aliens present in moon.. and there are too many audio recordings and documents leaked by NASA scientists.. which proves alien exist.. and if you wanna know more about aliens.. just go to YouTube and search factomania... ok.. they have evidence also and first watch thank me later :)

Divyansh933: Moon mei alien nhi h paagal
Divyansh933: lol
Divyansh933: Tu gya h kya?
Divyansh933: Bhai utube mei bhot saare faie video h
Divyansh933: fake*
lovelypiku: guys plz stop commenting
lovelypiku: .....
lovelypiku: I am getting disturb
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