Science, asked by ullas88, 11 months ago

Do all plants reproduce in the same way,explain with examples


Answered by tusharpriya200ov3cij

Not every plant grows from a seed. Some plants, like ferns and mosses, grow from spores. Other plants use asexual vegetative reproduction and grow new plants from rhizomesA root-like subterranean stem that usually sends roots below and sends up shoots. In ferns, rhizomes can be erect, creeping or vertical (forming a trunk). or tubers. We can also use techniques like grafting or take cuttings to make new plants.

Answered by mudavathbhumika95

1) All plants do not reproduce in the same way .Given below are the plants and theri parts which can reproduce .

2) Vegetative propagation in some. plants.

Plant :

Sweet potato , dahlia , carrot , turnip , radish .


Onion, garlic , tuberose , lilies , (gladioli),

Bryophyllum (Sprout leaf plant ), begonia.


Mint , strawberry , chrysanthemum , raspberry.

Parts of the plant :

New plants grow from the modified root .

New plants grow from eyes in the tuber which is a modified Stems.

New plants grow from buds , or corms gladioli .

Which are modified stems .

New plants grow from buds on the leaf .

Stem grows roots at the nodes .

Stem creeps along the ground and strikes roots at the nodes .

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