Physics, asked by strange27viswak, 1 month ago

do all things visible due to light?


Answered by parveenshaheen150419




All things visible due to light

jo cheez jon sa colour absorb karti h vo cheez

usi color mai visible hoti hai

Answered by SoumyajitPatra24

Light radiates from a source. It bounces off (reflects from) objects, and also passes through objects with some changes (refaction). Different colors (wavelengths) of light react differently to different materials.

The light, whether direct, reflected, or refracted, enters an eye (or a camera). A light sensitive device - the retina, or the camera sensor - detects the state and nature of the light. The state of the light at the reflector tells us about the last object it was in contact with. Light travels in straight lines, so we know the location of the object based on the location on the detector in a vector from the detector point through the lense of the eye or camera. We know the color of the object by the color of the light. We know some qualities of the object’s surface or interior based on qualities of reflection or refraction. When we see with two eyes, we get a sense of distance through parallax, that is, the difference of the apparent position of the object as light from it reaches the two detectors at two different angles.

In our minds, the visual cortex assembles an image, and we see the world around us.




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