Do Answer Seriously. ....Are we alone in the universe?? Share your views...
Are we alone in the universe? It’s one of the biggest questions that haunts our imaginations. Astrobiologist Adam Frank argues in his new book Light of the Stars that we have never been in a better position to answer that question, thanks to a revolution in our knowledge gained by powerful telescopes like Hubble and space probes like Voyager. Indeed, the chances that there has never been another civilization in the universe are as low as one in ten billion trillion. But whether there is still one out there today is a more complicated question.
Speaking from his home in Rochester, New York, Frank explains how, after being rejected because of its New Age connotations, the Gaia Hypothesis has gained acceptance in the scientific community; how climate change is an inevitable feature of civilization building; and why we need to grow up as a civilization if we are to survive climate change.
Your book centers on a relatively new field of study known as astrobiology, which you call revolutionary. Explain what it means and why it is giving us new insights into our place in the universe.