English, asked by muskanchourasiya369, 2 months ago

do! Answer the following questions. 1. Who was the king of the forest? Who were his mi 2. What happened when the camel lost his way? 3. Why was the lion fond of the camel? What did the lion ask his ministers to get? Why? rd Wise ke sentences using the following words. forest ministers enemy​


Answered by kajalsavaliya552


Question 1.

Read the title of the story: Who do you think is the king in this story? Can you guess?


The king in the story is a Lion.

Question 2.

Who are the ministers? Guess.


The ministers are the fox, Leopard and the crow.

Question 3.

Do you know any story about forest animals?


Yes. There are many stories. We have a lot of stories called ‘Panchatantra’ where animals are used as characters with certain morals at the end. I can narrate the story in my mother tongue.

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