Music, asked by mpssankar, 6 months ago

do any want to ask any question to prime Minister
cuz i got a chance ask him in an exam

(Submit a question of your choice related to dealing with examination stress that you’ll like to ask the Prime Minister in not more than 500 characters)


Answered by aarunya13

Last year too I had the opportunity to meet the students who were preparing for the exam. This time too I have got the chance and I am grateful to the Education Department for giving me this opportunity to meet you all.

Today I am extremely delighted that the students from almost all the states of India are present here today. In a way, a mini- India is in front of me. While from another perspective, the future of India is in front of me.

Before coming and talking to you all, this morning our country's former Defense Minister Mr. George Fernandes passed away. He was a robust and a soldier-like leader. He was born at one place, worked in some other place, had been a representative of the people of yet another place. In a way, he had lived in different parts of India. During the emergency period, he had struggled a lot to re-establish democracy. But he had been ill, unconscious and bed-ridden for the past several years. Today he has left this world. I pay my homage to George Saheb.


There has been a change in ParikshapeCharcha from the last time in terms of experience. As per the demand, people from different countries of the world are also associating today. Similarly, it has been ensured that there are representations from all the states of India and can interact with those students. There are both senior students as well as junior students. It would have been incomplete if guardians, the parents and the teachers were not present. Therefore efforts have been made to generate opportunities of interacting with those who are directly associated with the lives of the students.

I believe that whatever has been depicted in the dance performance just a few moments ago makes my speech irrelevant. Everything is inherent in that. This dance presentation had created a new faith and a new hope for everyone present here including me, and the viewers of this programme across the country. I congratulate them all and a special applause for the amazing performance of Rina in that entire program; she exhibited an extraordinary enthusiasm of living life despite being handicapped with two missing arms and a leg.

We were watching an old video. And I had told you to just forget that you are here in this programme. Just try to feel that you are with your family and are conversing with your family members and a familiar face of your family is chatting with you. If the environment remains light and casual then even I will be able to learn a lot!

I am here in this programme not to preach. Neither do I wish to preach the parents, the teachers or even the students. I am here so that I can live like you all do and to try to experience your state of mind.

Come let's begin. From where should we start?

Presenter - Sir, this time there are students, teachers and parents too; that too from within the country as well as from foreign countries. Firstly RoliDatta, from Kolkata, who is a teacher, wants to ask you questions.

Questioner - Hello Sir, My name is RoliDatta and I teach biology at KendriyaVidyalaya, Kolkata. My question to you is sir, as a teacher, what should we tell the parents who believe that the future of their children depends solely on an exam?

Presenter - Sir, there is another question similar to this, from Rohit Shree who is sitting among us now and is basically from Kerala but staying in Delhi and preparing for civil services.

Questioner - Honorable Prime Minister Greetings, my name is Rohitshree, I am a resident of Kerala and I am now preparing for the UPSC in Delhi. Sir our parents and our teachers have a lot of expectations from us, due to which we are burdened with a lot of pressure. Sir, I think your situation is just like ours. The people of the country have more expectations from you. Prime Minister sir, kindly tell us how do you deal with these expectations, and how shall we deal with it? Thank you.

Presenter - Honorable Prime Minister, you are requested to please inspire them.

Modiji- You are from Kerala but you can speak better Hindi than me. During your classes 10th or 12th or during final exams, most of you have to hear the rebukes, sometimes even ten times a day - don't you understand? Why are you always on the telephone with friends? Leave the computer! Start studying! What are you doing? Isn't that the case? Do tell me the truth.

Actually, one cannot deny the importance of an examination. I can never say that you should not bother about it; or we can deal with it later. Was that exam the life's examination? Or was it just for that particular class? So if we decide that the exam is just for class 10th or class 12th and not a criterion for my life. With this thought, the burden will be reduced. This will also improve our focus in that work.

They say life becomes worthless if one fails in class 10th. Life is not limited to the corridors of examinations, there is big world outside of it too.

Answered by roshniguptagupta35


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