English, asked by amitSen553, 1 year ago

Do books really inspire people do great things in their life?


Answered by sarahsatyakrupa
books really inspire people to  do great things in their life because books are our best friends and they will be with us for ever and help us in all the things
they will guide us like father

sunkarabharathm: then why can't you right a book
kvnmurty: how they will inspire ? they are with you okay. but how you will do great things?
sarahsatyakrupa: sorry they inspire people 2 do g8 things
kvnmurty: please EDIT the answer to explain HOW they inspire. how do people get inspired. what happens when a person reads a book
sarahsatyakrupa: already my answer was reported by someone what can i do now sir
Answered by pranjal7
Yes, books inspired people to do great things in their life. Books are friend of human beings. Friends will leave you but books will never leave you. By stories also books inspire people to do great things in their life.

pranjal7: Friend, if u like my answer so plz pick it best.
kvnmurty: how they will inspire ? they are with you okay. but how you will do great things?
pranjal7: Like in stories, stories gives us moral , and moral will inspire u to do great thinks ans moral is in stories and stories are in books.
pranjal7: Plz mark it beat
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