English, asked by kaluramraika50, 6 months ago

Do Idea
b) Mark the primary stress in the following words : 10
i) Idea
stoobcuridsity, qual'osity
ii) Assist
iv) Academic
v) Clarity
vi) Notification
vii) Incomplete
viii) Project (Noun)
ix) Govern
x) Permission permission


Answered by KailashHarjo

Here are the primary stress patterns for each of the words listed:

  • Idea - primary stress on the first syllable (i-DEA)
  • I'dea - primary stress on the first syllable (I-DEA)
  • stoobcuridsity - primary stress on the third syllable (stooB-cu-RI-di-ty)
  • qual'osity - primary stress on the second syllable (QUAL-o-si-ty)
  • Assist - primary stress on the second syllable (as-SIST)
  • Academic - primary stress on the second syllable (a-CAD-e-mic)
  • Clarity - primary stress on the first syllable (CLAR-i-ty)
  • Notification - primary stress on the third syllable (not-i-fi-CA-tion)
  • Incomplete - primary stress on the second syllable (in-COM-plete)
  • Project (Noun) - primary stress on the first syllable (PRO-ject)
  • Govern - primary stress on the first syllable (GOVERN)
  • Permission - primary stress on the first syllable of both words (PER-mis-sion, PER-mis-sion)
  • clarity - primary stress on the first syllable (CLAR-i-ty)


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