do it do it hey hey do it do it hey hey
yasssss plz do it
Fatch nagar,
New Delhi.
28th May,2020.
The editor,
National Daily,
New Delhi.
Subject: Reckless driving by teenagers.
respected sir/madam,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I would like to gather the attention of masses to highlight the problem of speed driving by teenagers.
Through a perspective of teenagers they tend to drive fast to showoff to their peers or like to take risk as in this age they feel like they can do anything but due to this actions they end up meeting with an accident or much worse death.
I would want to tell the parents to gift their wards a car or a bike only after they take a oath or pledge to drive safely.I hope my letter finds a space at your national english daily.
thanking you,
your sincerely,
Fateh Nagar,
New Delhi - 41,
28th May 2020,
The Editor,
Hindustan Times,
New Delhi - 67,
Subject: Role of parents in preventing reckless driving,
Dear Sir,
Through the column of your acclaimed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of all the parents to make them realize their role in preventing their kids from getting engaged in reckless driving.
This heedless driving has come one of the major concerns as the majority of accidents are due to disobedience of traffic laws or drunken driving. In order to prevent their kids from being subject to such mishap, the parents need to realize their role and display a stricter attitude towards such careless driving.
The parents need to teach them about the significance of traffic rules since childhood, set time and speed limits for them, and zero-tolerance towards driving under influence(at any age). Together, we all can reduce the increasing number of accidents day by day and save lives of not our kids but many others also(who get affected by that accident).
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Stay home, stay safe and don't forget to be nice to each other