English, asked by Deepgaming5230, 11 months ago

do's and don'ts of covid-19 20 points ​


Answered by 2007beauty


1. Do wear a cloth covering on your face at all times when you are not at home. A tighter fitting covering with rubber bands around your ears or ribbons/strings you can tie are best. This is meant more to protect OTHERS from your droplets rather than to protect you from others. be careful about touching your face more with the mask as this could increase your risk. Don’t stop social distancing because of a false sense of security as this is still important to protect YOU.

2. Do wash your hands before you wear your mask. Only touch the earloops

3. Do stay informed of the situation as events and advisories are rapidly evolving.

4. Do practice good hand hygiene and wash your hands frequently, especially before you eat, after you use the restroom, blow your nose or cough or before you touch your face. Good hand hygiene includes washing your hands for more than 20 seconds  If you can’t wash your hands, use an alcohol-based sanitizer with more than 60% alcohol.

5. Do cover your cough or sneeze. The best way to cough or sneeze is into your elbow and not your hands.

6. Do work from home. Do leave your home only for essential reasons, such as buying food or medications. If you have to go out, protect yourself and your family members from close contact (stay more than 6-8 feet away). Don’t share water or utensils with family members.

7. Do cancel dental, medical, recreational and non-essential appointments as these can interfere with social distancing.

8. Do move away from others who cough or sneeze.

9. Do wipe down all surfaces you come into contact with. Any regular bleach-containing household products is likely to be effective. You can also make a cleaning solution with 5 tablespoons bleach mixed with one gallon of water.

10. Do buy a 4-week supply of food and household products and cleaning products in case we are in a situation where social isolation or quarantine is necessary.

11. Do call ahead to the doctor/emergency room before you head there if you think you may have symptoms concerning for COVID-19. You should also wear a facemask to protect others.

12. Do wear a face mask and gloves if you are caring for a family someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

13. Do be mindful of what you surfaces you are touching and how frequently you are touching your face.

14. Do protect your immune system by getting your vaccinations, eating a balanced diet, avoiding too much alcohol, getting enough sleep and maintaining a healthy weight.

16. Do remember to wipe your phone with disinfectant wipes or 70% isopropyl alcohol as it touches your hands and your face often.

17. Do remember that virus may live on surfaces like cash or credit cards. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling cash or credit cards before touching your face.

18. Do wipe down doorknobs, countertops, stairway railings and light switches in your home once every 2-3 days. For kids, Do wipe down their toys or wash them in soap and water. The same is true for packages. To be safe, wash your hands after you handle a package. Virus particles can survive for days on hard surfaces so it is important to keep these clean.

20. Do help out an elderly neighbor who may be in need, is elderly, or has chronic medical problems and can’t go out to stock up on their own.

21. Do realize that take-out food may be slightly higher risk than eating at home, but how much excess risk remains uncertain. If someone who prepares your food is infected with COVID-19 virus, your food or food utensils/containers may get contaminated.

22. Do go outside and get regular exercise but remember to wear that cloth face covering! Exercise can even help to boost the immune system. Even though we are social distancing, it doesn’t mean we can’t get out of the house. But, when you go out, make sure you continue to maintain social distancing

23. Do stay home and take Tylenol, cough syrup and plenty of rest if you think you may have COVID-19. You should also isolate yourself from your other family members, and use a designated bathroom in the house that no one else is using. If your symptoms are mild and can be managed at home If you have shortness of breath, or are in a high-risk group or have progressive symptoms, call your doctor’s office right away.

25. Do self-quarantine yourself for 14 days if you come into contact with someone who tests positive for COVID


1. Don’t just tie a scarf around your face as that can be loose fitting and need more adjustment. Use a cloth covering that is more tight-fitting.

4. Don’t touch your eyes, nose, mouth or face without washing your hands.

5. Don’t put your shoes on surfaces you may touch.

6. Don’t interact with your pets if you think you may have symptoms concerning for COVID-19.

9. Don’t share utensils or drinking glasses with others

10. Don’t shake hands or give hugs as greetings.

11. Don’t visit your older relatives/community members, as they are the highest risk group.

12. Don’t go to public places- gyms, theaters, restaurants.

Answered by Anonymous
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