English, asked by laxmangayatri57, 3 months ago

" Do seasons come up from the ground Or do they drop down from the sky - Are questions that have bothered him. Answer do not dribble in". A) Identity who has been referred to as 'him' in the above lines. B) Write the name of the poet and the poem. C) What are the questions that have bothered him? D) What does the poet mean by the lines 'answers do not dribble in?

Please tell the answer


Answered by kumaranshumth6


The poetry of earth is never dead'? Answer: The poet wanted to say that poetry of nature is never going to end. No matter what the season is, whether it is the sweltering summer or the harsh cold winter, the music and the poetry of the nature is never dead

Answered by smartbarbie


The poet wanted to say that poetry of nature is never going to end. No matter what the season is, whether it is the sweltering summer or the harsh cold winter, the music and the poetry of the nature is never dead.

Question 3.

Where do birds take rest in hot summer day?


The birds took rest under shady trees to secure themselves from the scorching heat of the sun.

Question 4.

Where do grasshoppers take rest when he tired?


When grasshopper became tired, he rests ease beneath some pleasant weeds.

Question 5.

In which season cricket sing?


The cricket sing in winter. When it is very cold and quiet, the winter silence is broken by a shrill sound.

Question 6.

Discuss with your partner the following definition of a poem.

A poem is made of wotds arranged in a beautiful order. These words, when read aloud with feeling, have a music and meaning of their own.


Poem is supposedly an artistic piece which contains a speech as well ag a song and is usually rhythmical and metaphorical. These beautiful arrangement’of words add to the essence of the poem. Poems are supposedly read aloud to feel the intense passion and emotion with which they have been composed. The rhyming words in a poem puts various ideas and imaginations of the poet in a sync.

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